Category: Marital Bliss
The cupboard door at the Smith’s house had a maddening habit of opening by itself. Mrs. Smith had it repaired twice, but it kept opening. One day she noticed that it opened only when the No. 5 bus passed before their house. When she told the carpenter of her observation, he looked skeptical:
“Lady, I do not doubt your words,” – he said, – “but I want to see this occurrence with my own eyes.”
He stepped into the cupboard, closed the door behind him and waited for the bus to pass. Just then, Mr. Smith returned from work and before his wife could utter a word, went to the cupboard to hang his coat. He opened the door and to his surprise found a stranger inside.
“What are you doing here?” – exclaimed the husband.
“If I told you that I’m waiting for the No. 5 Bus, would you believe me?”
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