Looking pale and drawn, Brown came home from work shortly before noon. He dropped his briefcase near the entrance and fell on the bed exhausted. His wife came running out of the kitchen and putting her hand on his forehead to see whether he is feverish, anxiously inquired:
“What is the matter, darling? Are you sick?”
“Don’t ask!” – answered her husband. “The doctor told me, that I can no longer work and should not do anything tiring. From now on I must take it easy, sit in a comfortable armchair, read my paper and watch TV. As if I can! I am sick with worry about what is going to happen to us. What shall we do? Who will support us from now on?”
“I shall,” – said Mrs. Brown. “For 40 years you were the provider, now it is my turn.”
“But what work can you do at your age?”
“The one I have the most practice in. Just relax and let me worry about everything.”
That evening Mrs. Brown dressed up in her best clothes, put on a lot of makeup, placed a jug of lemonade at her husband’s elbow and left. She returned at dawn, bedraggled, with her make-up smeared all over her face and somewhat proudly, put $33.33 on the table. Brown was aghast:
“But honey, who was the insensitive son of a bitch who gave you 33 cents?”
“Everybody,” – sighed his wife wearily,

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