Every day, an exhausted Dr. Fraud would arrive home wanting to relax for a while with a quiet piece of music. But a loud blast of offensive pop music from the neighboring apartment would completely drown out the delicate strains of the classical piece. One day he had had enough. He knocked on his neighbor’s door and asked:
“Do you know who Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is?”
“No I don’t” - answered the surprised man.
“And have you heard of Ludwig van Beethoven?”
Again the man professed his ignorance, but the other one hammered away relentlessly:
“Does the name Felix Bartholdy Mendelsohn mean anything to you?”
“Who are these people?” - asked the neighbor. “Should I know them?”
“Of course you should, you ignoramus. These are people who wrote music, real music and not this caterwauling you make us all listen to.”
The neighbor thought for a while and then he too posed a question:
“Do you know Tom Noggin?”
It was the turn of Dr. Fraud to act surprised:
“Who might he be? Should I know him?”
“Of course you should. He is the man who comes to your house and screws your wife every Wednesday evening when you go to your concerts.”

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