During the early evening hours, a man returned from a long business trip, let himself into his apartment with his key, hung up his coat and tiptoed to the bedroom. He opened the door quietly, peered into the dim room and saw a covered-up shape sleeping soundly on their bed. Nodding with satisfaction, he took off his clothes and slipped under the sheets beside his mate.
After a surprisingly steamy session, followed by a more relaxed one, the man felt like having a beer and went to the kitchen. To his amazement, he saw his wife there, having a cup of coffee.
“You are here? Then who was that in our bed I just had sex with?” - he stammered.
“That must have been my mother,” - answered his spouse stoically. “She was a bit tired, so she took a rest in our bed.”
“Then why didn’t she speak up?”
“She hasn’t spoken to you for 20 years, has she? So why should she now?”

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