While taking his daily walk the rabbi encountered the priest, walking along with a mournful face.
“What happened?” - he asked his friend. “Why the gloomy expression?”
“My bicycle has mysteriously disappeared. It is not only that this was my only means of transportation, but I fear, that somebody from my flock may have taken it.”
“Look here, you can easily find out, if this is so” - advised the rabbi. “Let the subject of this week’s sermon be the Ten Commandments and as you recite them one by one, stop at ‘Thou shall not steal!’ and repeat it several times, while looking at your congregation angrily. You will see that the bicycle will be returned the next day.”
The two clerics met again on Monday. The rabbi eagerly asked the priest:
“Did my advice help? Has the bicycle been returned?”
“Yes and no,” - replied the priest with an even more doleful expression. “I started with the Ten Commandments and when I reached the sixth, ‘Thou shall not commit adultery!’ I suddenly remembered where I left the bicycle.”

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