The young couple had their first child. Everything seemed normal, the baby had two ears, two eyes, ten fingers and the only thing that seemed strange was that he did not utter a sound. At first, his parents thought that they have been blessed with an unnaturally quiet child, but when a year and half passed and the boy still kept mum, they got alarmed and took him to a pediatric clinic. The doctors found nothing amiss with the child and told his worried parents, to be patient with him:
“Some children are just naturally lazy and start speaking at a later age.”
Two years passed and the child, though otherwise a perfectly ordinary infant, continued with his vow of silence. His worried parents took him to see some specialists, first locally and then abroad, but all the doctors gave their offspring a clean bill of health and found no physical reasons for his continued silence. For their son’s fourth birthday, his mother prepared a festive dinner with all his favorite dishes. The boy had a healthy appetite and ate his way silently through all the courses, until the last one. Then suddenly, he said:
“This pudding is inedible!”
Both parents were dumbfounded. It was the mother who first spoke up:
“Sweetheart, you can talk! Why didn’t you speak sooner?”
“Until now, everything was just fine” - replied the child.

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