Sunday, December 12, 2010

Category: Ethnic Stories


The first grade class came in from recess. The teacher asked Alice:

“What did you do at recess?”

Alice: “I played in the sand box.”

Teacher: “That's good. Go to the blackboard and if you can write correctly 'sand', I'll give you a freshly-baked cookie.”

Alice did and got a cookie.

The teacher asked Billy what he did at recess.

Billy: “I played with Alice in the sand box.”

Teacher: “Good. If you manage to write correctly 'box' on the blackboard, I'll give you a freshly-baked cookie.”

Billy did and got a cookie too.

The teacher then asked Mustaffa Abdul Machmoud what he did at recess. He said:

“I tried to play with Alice and Billy, but they threw rocks at me.”

Teacher: “They threw rocks at you? That sounds like blatant racial discrimination! If you can write on the blackboard 'blatant racial discrimination', I'll give you a cookie.”

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