Thursday, April 02, 2009

Category: Animal Stories NO DEMAND FOR IT

A guy phoned the “ABC” musical agency in New-York:

“Sir! I’ve something sensational to show you. If you see my act, I’m sure you’ll offer me $50,000 per night.”

“Usually we don’t accept strangers,” – said the agent, – “but since you claim to have something sensational, I’ll make an exception.”

The guy arrived at the agency’s office, took a matchbox out of his pocket, removed a tiny white piano from it and put it on the table. From his other pocket he took another matchbox in which a white mouse perched. The man set the mouse at the piano and the small creature, with a virtuosity and technique that would have shamed Ugo Pogorelicz, started performing the most difficult Chopin, Beethoven, Rachmaninow and Tschaikowsky pieces. The agent listened for a while, then shook his head sorrowfully:

“I’m sorry, but I can’t get you a contract. Who the hell listens to classical music these days?”

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