An Indian from the nearby reservation came to the trading post for his monthly shopping. When he inquired what kind of toilet paper they have, the trader answered that they stock three different kinds:
“The best quality is called 'Plushy Velvet' and it costs $15 per package.”
“That is too expensive for me,” - said the Indian.
“Maybe you prefer our medium quality 'Silky Soft' at $12?”
“Don’t you have anything cheaper?”
“Then take this package which costs only $10.”
“What is its name?” - asked the Indian.
“It has no name,” - replied the merchant.
After a few weeks the Indian returned to the trading post.
“By the way,” - he remarked while looking through the merchandise, - “I found a name for your cheap toilet paper. I would call it
“What a funny idea,” - wondered the trader. “Why
“It is rough, tough and takes no shit from Indians.”

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