Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Category: Naughty Jokes


During the war in Eastern Europe, there were long lines in front of every shop. Passersby always asked, what the queue was for and if they needed that particular commodity, they joined the line. In front of the county medical offices there was a line of a different kind. In those days, prostitution was legal and the ladies of the night were waiting for their monthly check-up. An elderly lady, who passed by the line, asked one of the women what they were waiting for. The hooker was ashamed to disclose their real purpose, so she said they were selling sugar inside. The old woman joined the line and waited patiently, until her turn came. When the matron with her bent back entered the clinic, one could have knocked off the astonished doctor with a feather.

“Granny, at your age!” – he exclaimed. “You don’t even have any teeth left.”

“True, but I can still suck a little.”

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