The elderly gentleman, very proud of his youngish looks, took his morning constitutional, as usual, in the neighborhood park. When he became tired, he sat on one of the benches, already occupied by a middle-aged lady. Soon, they fell to talking first about the weather (fine), then the morals of the youth (bad). Suddenly the old gent said:
“Guess how old I am.”
“Maybe if you undressed,” – answered the woman, – “I would be able to guess your age.”
The old man took off his clothes and his companion on the bench sized him up carefully. After a while she asked:
“Turn around, please!”
The man complied and felt her scrutinizing eyes on his back, like ants walking up and down. Finally she requested him to turn to the side and after a further check-up, stated:
“You are 92 years old.”
“How did you know?” – said the oldster in amazement. “People tell me that I look much younger.”
“You told me yesterday.”

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