Like a hen worried about her brood, the mother hovered around the room, where her just-married daughter and husband had retired for their wedding night. She put her ear to the keyhole and tried to divine from the sounds emerging from inside, if everything was all right.
The freshly minted husband had some difficulties. In the morning, excited about the upcoming event, he was in a hurry to get dressed and now could not untie his shoelaces. His bride tried to help him, but she too, could not manage to untie the knot.
From the other side of the door the mother heard the following:
“I cannot manage. It simply does not go!” - said her son-in-law.
“So let’s cut the damn thing,” - suggested the daughter.
Here the mother could restrain herself no longer.
“For God’s sake,” - she shouted through the keyhole - “don’t cut it! Try some petroleum jelly.”

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