Category: Naughty Jokes
It happened in the Garden of Eden:
God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and took one of his ribs. From the rib, he made a woman and brought her unto the man. They were both naked, the man and his wife and were not ashamed. Adam called his wife's name Eve.
Eve asked Adam what he did about entertainment before she came on the scene. Adam shrugged and showed her a hole in the trunk of a nearby tree, located at just about the right height for him to thrust his desires away. Smiling, Eve said:
“Well, I have news for you. I’m fully equipped to take care of those needs.”
She lay down on her back and opened her legs. Adam, eyes wide open, took a good look and then kicked her right between her legs as hard as he could. Eve cried out with pain:
“And what was that for?” - she asked with tears in her eyes. Replied Adam:
“Oh, just driving off the squirrels.”

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