Three bachelors lived in a small apartment. One day one announced:“Boys, go tonight to a movie. I invited a lady home.”When the two returned home late at night, they noticed that some of the furnishings were out of place.“How many times?” - they asked.“Twice!” - came the ready answer. “And my guest once.”Some days passed. Now it was second guy’s turn:“Tonight I’ll have a lady guest. Go to a pub, or something.”In the morning the other two saw that the place was in a mess and asked their mate how did he make out.“Four times.”“And the dame?”“Twice.”In a few days it was the third man who ushered out his partners. In the morning the apartment looked like a battlefield. The other two asked their friend:“This must have been a hell of an engagement. How many times?”“Ten times.”“And the woman?”“She? She did not show up at all.”

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