A man dressed in a suit came up to the front porch of a house juggling a clipboard, some papers and a briefcase. He knocked on the door and a middle-aged man answered it:
“Mornin' stranger, what can I do for you?”
“Well sir, we are paid by private companies to canvas consumers like yourself for feedback on their products. Today we're soliciting comments on Vaseline petroleum jelly. Would you have time to answer just a couple of questions?”
“I don't see how a couple of questions could hurt. Fire away young man.” - said the homeowner. Looking down at his clipboard, the survey-taker asked:
“Okay...first, you do use Vaseline, correct?”
“Yes sir, for as long as I can remember.”
“Great, now what exactly do you use it for?” - said the survey-taker, pen poised over his clipboard, ready to record the answer.
“Let's see, .....we use it for dry skin, chapped lips and sex.”
The well-dressed man stopped writing abruptly. He looked around, leant forward and in a low voice said:
“We pride ourselves on being very thorough sir. I know how you'd use Vaseline for dry skin and chapped lips. But would you mind telling me how you use it for sex?”
“No problem,” – the homeowner replied, whispering too, – “we put it on our bedroom doorknob.”
The survey-taker got a strange look on his face and took a step backwards before the homeowner continued: “It keeps the kids out.”

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