Friday, May 14, 2010

Category: Ethnic Stories


While leading the Friday evening services, the rabbi noticed a member of the congregation, Bernie, walk in with a St. Bernard dog. The rabbi, horrified, asked the cantor to continue the service and went to talk to Bernie.

Rabbi: “What are doing here with a dog?”

Bernie: “The dog came here to pray.”

“Oh, come on,” - said the rabbi.

“YES!” - said Bernie.

Rabbi: “I don't believe you. You are just fooling around. That's not a proper thing to do in the temple.”

Bernie: “Its true!”

“OK,” - said the rabbi (thinking he would call Bernie's bluff), - “then show me what the dog can do.”

“OK,” - said Bernie nodding to the dog. The dog proceeded to open up the barrel under his neck, removed a yarmulke, a tallith* and prayer book and actually started saying prayers in Hebrew! The rabbi was so shocked he listened for a full 15 minutes. When he regained his composure, he was so impressed with the quality of the praying that he said to Bernie:

“Do you think your dog would consider going to rabbinical school?”

Bernie, throwing up his hands in disgust, said:

“YOU TALK TO HIM! He wants to be a doctor!”

* A shawl with ritually knotted fringe at each of four corners, worn by Jews at Morning Prayer.

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