For those unfamiliar with the Jewish religion: A religious Jew performs no work, touches no money on holy Sabbath - which starts Friday evening and ends Saturday night, when the first three stars emerge.
Friday evening, a few minutes before the start of the Sabbath, the cantor asked the rabbi:
“Can you lend me 1,000 dollars?”
The rabbi gave him the money and the cantor pocketed it with thanks. Saturday evening, a few minutes after the end of the Sabbath, the cantor returned the loan to the rabbi. The same scene repeated itself every weekend until the rabbi could no longer overcome his curiosity and asked:
“Tell me, why do you ask for a loan every Sabbath? After all, you take the money from me just a few minutes before the start of the Sabbath and return it a few minutes after the Sabbath ends. You have no chance at all to spend it?”
“Haven’t you noticed, that ever since I’m keeping 1,000 dollars in my pocket, I sing much better at the synagogue?”

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