Category: Ethnic Jokes
On the Jewish New Year, a man came to the entrance of the synagogue, but was stopped by the usher who demanded to see his entrance-ticket.PRAYING PROHIBITION
The approach of the High Holidays has a funny effect on people. The conscience of many an infidel, who usually does not frequent religious services, sounds an alarm bell and tells him, that the only way he can avoid heavenly retribution for his sins is to go to the synagogue. The pressure on the temple management is so great that seats have to be numbered and tickets sold weeks in advance.
“But I just want to speak to Schwarcz for a while,” - protested the man.
“Nothing doing! Today, nobody can go in without a ticket.”
“It’s a matter of life and death. Please let me in. I promise I'll only be five minutes.”
At last the attendant relented:
“All right. I shall let you pop in for just five minutes, but you can rest assured that I shall throw you out on your ear if I catch you saying even one word of prayer!”

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