Category: Viagra
A man came to the physician and complained:
“Doctor, I cannot get it up anymore.”
The doctor prescribed him some pills, but warned him not to take more than one pill weekly. He also explained that the influence of the pill wears off after one hour, but that should be sufficient. The patient, anxious to try out his new medication and being sure that his wife was at home, took one pill even before he opened his door. To his surprise the apartment was empty and a note from his wife advised him that she left to visit her mother. By the time the wife returned home, the influence of the pill had of course worn off and no effort could get up the sagging manhood of the husband.
The next day the man returned to the physician and asked him if he can take just one more pill. He explained that he took one when his wife was absent and it was wasted. Jokingly, the physician inquired:
“Don’t you have a girlfriend next-door? Couldn’t she have helped you out?”
The patient protested indignantly:
“If you must know, I happen to have a very nice neighbor, but with her I don’t need a pill.”
“Doctor, I cannot get it up anymore.”
The doctor prescribed him some pills, but warned him not to take more than one pill weekly. He also explained that the influence of the pill wears off after one hour, but that should be sufficient. The patient, anxious to try out his new medication and being sure that his wife was at home, took one pill even before he opened his door. To his surprise the apartment was empty and a note from his wife advised him that she left to visit her mother. By the time the wife returned home, the influence of the pill had of course worn off and no effort could get up the sagging manhood of the husband.
The next day the man returned to the physician and asked him if he can take just one more pill. He explained that he took one when his wife was absent and it was wasted. Jokingly, the physician inquired:
“Don’t you have a girlfriend next-door? Couldn’t she have helped you out?”
The patient protested indignantly:
“If you must know, I happen to have a very nice neighbor, but with her I don’t need a pill.”

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