Fresh, personally chosen and edited jokes are published daily. They are arranged in about 50 Categories and you may of course freely use and quote them at social and business functions.
Friday, July 31, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Some days ago a hobo rang our doorbell and my mother-in-law opened the door. The following conversation ensued:
“Excuse me Madam, do you have any empty wine bottles?”
“Do I look, like someone who drinks wine?”
“Excuse me Madam, do you have any empty vinegar bottles?”

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Four old college friends were having coffee. The first, a Catholic woman told her friends:
“My son is now a Priest. When he walks into a room, everyone addresses him 'Father'.”
The second Catholic woman chirped:
“My son is a bishop. Whenever he walks into a room, people call him 'Your Grace'.”
The third Catholic crone said:
“My son is a Cardinal. Whenever he walks into a room, he's called 'Your Eminence'.”
Since the fourth woman, a Jewish lady, sipped her coffee in silence, the first three women gave her this subtle “Well...?”
So she replied:
“My son is 6'

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
One day, the Seven Dwarfs were feeling kinda horny and were peeking through the window of Snow White's room. Because they were so short, one Dwarf stood on another Dwarf's shoulder and so on, forming a Dwarf Chain. Doc was at the very top, peeking through the windows. Snow White walked into the room, and started taking off her blouse.
“She's taking off her blouse!” - said Doc, to Dopey who was right below him.
“She's taking off her blouse!”
“She's taking off her blouse!”
Then she started to take off her skirt.
“She's taking off her skirt!” - said Doc.
“She's taking off her skirt!”
“She's taking off her skirt!”
Then she started to take off her bra.
“She's taking off her bra!”
“She's taking off her bra!”
“She's taking off her bra!”
Then she started taking off her panties.
“She's taking off her panties!”
“She's taking off her panties!”
“She's taking off her panties!”
All of a sudden, Doc heard a noise in the bushes.
“Somebody's coming!”
“Me too!”
“Me too!”
“Me too!”

Monday, July 27, 2009
“Did you get my letter?”
“The one in which you asked for
“Yes, that’s the one.”
“No, I didn’t.”

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Every day, an exhausted Dr. Fraud would arrive home wanting to relax for a while with a quiet piece of music. But a loud blast of offensive pop music from the neighboring apartment would completely drown out the delicate strains of the classical piece. One day he had had enough. He knocked on his neighbor’s door and asked:
“Do you know who Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is?”
“No I don’t” - answered the surprised man.
“And have you heard of Ludwig van Beethoven?”
Again the man professed his ignorance, but the other one hammered away relentlessly:
“Does the name Felix Bartholdy Mendelsohn mean anything to you?”
“Who are these people?” - asked the neighbor. “Should I know them?”
“Of course you should, you ignoramus. These are people who wrote music, real music and not this caterwauling you make us all listen to.”
The neighbor thought for a while and then he too posed a question:
“Do you know Tom Noggin?”
It was the turn of Dr. Fraud to act surprised:
“Who might he be? Should I know him?”
“Of course you should. He is the man who comes to your house and screws your wife every Wednesday evening when you go to your concerts.”

Thursday, July 23, 2009
“Yesterday was our 5th wedding anniversary and I gave my wife an airline ticket to
“Really,” – wondered his colleague, – “isn’t that a little extravagant? What gift will you give her for your 25th Anniversary?”
“A return ticket.”

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009
At the Israeli border settlement, the furnishings were primitive, to say the least. In the shower-shed, made of galvanized metal, there was a hole in the wall dividing the female shower-booths from the male ones, strategically located so that only the lower part of the body could be seen. From time to time, both sexes used the hole, as circumstances warranted.
One day, just as three female members of the settlement were showering, they heard the door on the other side of the wall open and a lone man came in. That was the opportunity they were waiting for. Each woman took turns bending down to peek through the hole. The first woman commented in a whisper:
“It is not my husband.”
Her companion agreed:
“Of course it is not your husband.”
It was the third woman who clinched the matter:
“He is not from our settlement at all.”

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Ahmed had 10 children and a small hut and as much as he liked to sleep-in late, the constant noise made by his high-spirited offspring never let him get a proper rest. One day, he returned home from work totally exhausted and thought he would catch a little shuteye before dinner. Unfortunately he could not fall asleep, because of the squabbling kids and the deafening cacophony emerging from several transistor radios - each of them set to a different station.
There is nothing like being in a desperate situation to make you focus your thoughts. In his dire need for sleep, an idea came to Ahmed, the best he had in years.
“Guys, haven’t you heard,” - he cried out, - “they’re giving away chocolates tonight at the
In two minutes flat, the hut was empty and blessed tranquility reigned all around. As the
“In Allah’s name, I must be the biggest fool in the world! What I am doing at home sleeping, when they are giving away chocolates at the