Fresh, personally chosen and edited jokes are published daily. They are arranged in about 50 Categories and you may of course freely use and quote them at social and business functions.
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009
The elderly lady complained to her daughter:
“I am getting on in age and I think I should stop holding these weekly bridge-parties at my house. I prepare sandwiches, cakes, soft drinks and when everybody is gone, I discover that I forgot to serve them.”
“Oh Mum, it would be a foolish to stop something you enjoy so much,” – said the daughter. “I know you look forward to the party all through the week. I‘ll prepare a note and attach it to the fridge door to remind you of the things you must do.”
The system worked fine. When the bridge players next assembled at the old lady’s home and she entered her kitchen, she saw her daughter’s note:
“Serve coffee and cakes.”
The woman followed the instructions. The next time she came to fetch a glass of water, she saw the note again and served her guests again. This scene was repeated for the third and fourth time. There were plenty of cakes and nobody really noticed being served several times, because the bridge partners were as forgetful as their host was.
Just as the guests were leaving, the daughter arrived.
“Did my mother serve you coffee and cakes?” – she asked.
“No,” – replied the friends. “She is becoming a miser in her old age. We were quite hungry, but we did not get anything.”
The daughter entered the apartment and asked her mother:
“Mummy, why didn’t you serve coffee and cakes to your friends?”
“Just imagine,” – answered the lady, – “nobody showed up.”

Thursday, May 28, 2009
One night, the Moneymakers were having dinner. Seated at opposite ends of their five-meter long oak-wood table, Mr. Moneymaker remarked to his wife:
“You know, every man at our club keeps a mistress. I am the only one, who does not have one. What will they think of us?”
“If everybody has a mistress, you should take one too,” - replied his loyal sidekick. “We don’t want people thinking, that we cannot afford one.”
And indeed, with the help of his wife, Mr. Moneymaker managed to find a mistress. He spent two evenings a week with her and while relaxing with his friends in the sauna, he had the satisfaction of being able to complain:
“My mistress wants a new mink-coat again.”
One night the Moneymakers went to the theater. Before the curtain rose, Mrs. Moneymaker looked through her binoculars at the rest of the audience. Suddenly, she pulled her husband’s sleeve:
“Who is that gorgeous blonde beside McCormick?”
“Probably his mistress.”
“His mistress? She is not so pretty after all. Ours is nicer, don’t you agree?”

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009
The noise in the singles’ bar was deafening and the lady seated on the barstool had to lean over and almost shout in her neighbor’s ear:
“I have an itchy pussy!”
The man nodded and replied:
“I drive a Japanese car too, a Mitsubishi.”

Sunday, May 24, 2009
The young man, who lost one of his legs in an accident, had difficulty establishing a lasting male-female relationship. Advanced medical technology replaced his missing limb so well, that his handicap became almost unnoticeable. As he was a fairly good-looking man, he never had any trouble in attracting the girl he fancied. Their relationship would progress step-by-step, until it reached the stage, where, inflamed by passion, both wanted to bring their affair to its ultimate culmination. They would start undressing and depending on the particular girl he was with, the following would happen:
Some of the girls screamed, others reacted more restrained, but as a rule, as soon as they noticed his prosthetic limb, their passion cooled noticeably and that was the end of their relationship.
After several similar incidents, acting on the advice of an elderly friend, our man told his newest conquest of his supposed bashfulness. At his request, they undressed in total darkness; the man put his prosthetic limb in the corner and when both were in bed, told her:
“Darling, I have a problem!”
He took her hand gently and placed it on his stump. There was a sharp intake of breath and then the girl said softly:
“Maybe, if we would use some petroleum jelly, we could manage somehow.”

Saturday, May 23, 2009
The veteran employee of the pickle factory came home with a sad face.
“I am sorry” - he said to his wife, - “but I have lost my job.”
“How come, dear?” - she asked. “You told me that your boss is quite satisfied with you.”
“To tell you the honest truth, for the last few days I felt a terrible urge to stick my penis into the pickle-slicer and today I finally did it. So they fired me.”
“Oh my God,” - cried his anxious spouse, - “and what happened to your poor penis.”
“As far as I can see nothing.”
“But what about the pickle-slicer?”
“Oh, she was fired too.”

Friday, May 22, 2009
One of Green’s horses kicked his mother-in-law and the old lady died of her injuries. Many people came to her funeral, even from the surrounding villages.
“What a crowd!” - wondered Green’s friend, - “was your mother-in-law so well loved?”
“Hell, no, they just want to buy the horse.”

Thursday, May 21, 2009
As part of her studies at the University, Rachel made a study-trip to
Upon arrival, she called her mother in
The lines were bad, but she managed to get through, had her say and in exchange got some motherly advice, which ended with something like:
“.... and get yourself a nice ..itch... doctor!”
Rachel was an obedient girl and whenever possible followed her mother’s advice. Following a month’s stay, her airplane landed at Kennedy airport. Accompanying the girl down the gangway right on her heels, was a
“Rachel, my dear, who is this scarecrow?”
“This is my husband, the witch doctor you told me to get.”
“What I told you was to get a rich doctor!”

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Little Red Riding Hood was walking through the forest, when suddenly she saw the big bad wolf, hiding behind the trees.
“Wolf, wolf,” - she asked, - “why are your eyes so big?”
“Leave me in peace,” - shouted the wolf - “can’t you see that I'm trying to have a shit.”

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
On his birthday, the scrooge decided to go to a restaurant. The check for the plentiful meal he consumed totaled $49.70, for which he paid with a $50 bill. The busy waitress thanked him, put the money into the cash register and continued with her other duties. A little later, when she looked towards the man’s table, she saw that he was still sitting there. She went over to him and asked:
“Is there anything else you wish, Sir?”
“I am waiting for my change,” - replied the scrooge.
The waitress returned to the cash register and after a while brought a saucer with 30 cents and a small package. The scrooge put the change into his purse, opened the package and found that it contains a package of condoms.
“What is that for?” - asked the astonished man.
“I suggest that you use it,” - answered the angry waitress, - “types like you should not multiply.”

Monday, May 18, 2009
“I’m sorry, we don’t stock fairy tales.”
“Daddy, why is it that the bride and the groom kiss each other after their wedding ceremony?”
“It is like boxers who shake hands before the start of a fight.”

Sunday, May 17, 2009
It was a quiet evening at the Jones’s. The wife was doing her needlework, the husband reading his newspaper, when suddenly Jones spoke up:
“It says here in the paper that there are not enough males in
“Yes, maybe you should,” – said Mrs. Jones, never dropping an eye, – “but could you survive on $100 a month?”

Saturday, May 16, 2009
“I heard that you and your wife quarreled, what happened?”
“We could not agree about our summer holidays.”
“How come?”
“I decided to go to the

Friday, May 15, 2009