Friday, July 31, 2009

Category: Naughty Jokes MARS MAID The first astronaut to land on Mars encountered a native girl there. She was built somewhat differently, but was distinctly female and beautiful by any standard. The girl was busy in front of a steaming cauldron, adding various ingredients to its contents and steering furiously. After a while the astronaut said: “Excuse me, I just arrived from Earth. Can you tell me what you are doing?” “Is it not obvious?” - replied the Martian girl. “I am making a child. I must be careful to mix well the components supplied by my three husbands, two co-wives and me and if the temperature and other conditions are perfect, out comes a healthy little Mars-child. Is this not the way children are made on Earth? “No, positively no,” - answered the Earthman. “Tell me then, how do you make children?” “I cannot explain, but I can show you.” Indeed, he showed her and the girl seemed to have enjoyed it. She said so too: “I must say that your way of producing a child is quite enjoyable, but what I don’t understand is where is the product of our labors, the child?” “Oh, that,” - shrugged the Earthman. “The child is only born after nine months.” “Then why did you stop mixing?” Add to Technorati Favorites
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