Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Category: Modern Fables


Little Red Riding Hood walked through the forest until she reached her Grandma's house. She knocked on the door and her Grandmother let her in. They sat down and had some tea together. Little Red Riding Hood got suspicious that something was wrong, when someone knocked on the door. It was the hunter. They invited him in and poured him some tea.

They chatted for a while, but Little Red Riding Hood became even more suspicious and so did the hunter. After about a half an hour he exclaimed:

“I know what is wrong! The wolf is missing.”

And so off he went to search for him in the forest. Finally he found the wolf in deep sleep between the bushes. The hunter went over to him and gave him a mighty kick:

“Get up you lazy beast, you should have devoured Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood long ago.”

“Leave me alone, I’m exhausted. I danced with Kevin Costner all night long.”

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