Category: Marital Bliss MASTER OF THE HOUSE
A woman, proud of the way her husband fulfills her every wish, invited her best friend to her house, for a demonstration.
As soon as the two were seated, she called out:
“Honey, would you bring Betty and me some coffee and biscuits.”
Without a word, her husband laid down his paper, shuffled out into the kitchen and a few minutes later came back, carrying a tray with refreshments. But his wife had additional instructions for him:
“Be a dear and take the dog out for a walk. You know that you both need the exercise. At the same opportunity, you could also carry out the garbage and check if there is anything in our mailbox.”
Silently, the well-trained man carried out his assignments. When at last he returned and was about to resume his reading, his spouse played her trump card and commanded:
“Now go and sit under the table.”
Obediently, her husband got down on fours and crawled to his assigned position.
Acknowledging her friend’s admiring glance, the woman at last relented and in a pacifying tone told her mate:
“You may come out again, sweetheart!”
But the man did not budge.
“What is the matter with you Max?” - wondered his sidekick. “Why don’t you come out?”
Proudly the man responded from his perch under the table:
“I want to show you once and for all who is the master of the house!”