Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Category: Preposterous Stories

It was the first weekend’s pass that the newly enlisted men in boot camp received and they were told by the platoon sergeant to be back on Sunday, at midnight sharp. Most of the soldiers made it, but some were still missing by 12 o’clock. The first latecomer arrived at about 12:20. When asked by the platoon sergeant for the reason of his tardiness, the man explained that there were no taxis available and he had to hire a horse-drawn buggy. Even this slow means of transportation would have brought him to the base in time for the curfew, but suddenly the horse dropped dead and he had to walk the rest of way.
“It may be a lie, but at least it is an original one,” – thought the platoon sergeant and with a warning to the soldier, let it go at that. About 10 minutes later, a second latecomer staggered in. He had a similar story to tell. He also had trouble finding a taxi, hired a horse-drawn cart and his horse too had fallen by the wayside. A strange coincidence, thought the platoon sergeant, but again let the soldier go with a reprimand. It was only when the third soldier also had the same excuse that he got mad and decided to punish the last soldier if he did not have a better excuse. It was close to 1 a.m. when that one put in an appearance and before he even managed to utter a word, the platoon sergeant asked him with heavy sarcasm:
“You also came by horse and wagon?”
“Who gave you such a preposterous idea?” - protested the surprised soldier. “I came by taxi of course.”
“So why are you so late?”
“You would not believe what happened! I never saw such a thing in my life, the whole road was strewn with dead horses and the taxi just could not get through.”   
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