Saturday, March 26, 2011

Category: Naughty Jokes


Mrs. Smith and Mr. Peabody – both consenting adults – had a long-running relationship. A set of previously agreed code words enabled the couple to communicate, without endangering their happy marriages. The code for arranging a meeting was “typewriter.”

One day Mr. Peabody felt horny and thought that meeting Mrs. Smith would somewhat alleviate his state. So, he sent his son over to the Smiths and told him to ask the mistress of the house if he can borrow their typewriter. The boy came back soon and conveyed Mrs. Smith’s regret, saying the machine only has a red ribbon.

A week passed. Mrs. Smith already had a black ribbon, but there was no word from Mr. Peabody. At last, she decided to send over her daughter with a message that the typewriter is now available for his use. But Mr. Peabody no longer needed it. He told the girl to pass the message to her mother that he has already written by hand.

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